No matter how financially responsible you are, there are going to be times and circumstances when, in spite of your best efforts, you may need a helping hand. Payment/Debt Protection from Greater Nevada Credit Union provides the right protection at the right time.
Payment/Debt Protection
Protect the Things That Matter Most

Life can take some unexpected turns. That’s why there’s Payment/Debt Protection.
Your family means everything to you. And if the unexpected happens, you don’t want an emotionally trying situation to be compounded by financial worry. That’s why there’s Payment/Debt Protection which may cancel your loan balance or payments, in case of:
- Involuntary Unemployment
- Disability
- Death
Take an important step toward financial security. Ask a GNCU Loan Consultant about Payment/Debt Protection today.
Payment/Debt Protection claim? We are here to help!
In your time of need, our claims process is simple for covered or qualifying events. If you elected payment protection on your loan, use this online claim process to file your claim.
To begin, fill out a claim form through the button below.
If you prefer, call (800) 621-6323 to begin the process and a TruStage™ claims specialist will assist you.
Payment/Debt Protection is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative or refer to the contract for a full explanation of the terms. You will receive the contract before you are required to pay for Payment/Debt Protection. You may cancel the protection at any time. If you cancel protection within 30 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.
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